Race Play Resources.

So! Going back a bit, this is a link to a “LeatherWeb” article published sometime in 2004, about some race play controversy. That has a good piece from Vi Johnson  included as well.

If you are more of a listener than a reader, check out my episode takeover of the RISK! podcast. It is all about my experiences in playing on these edges.

This is the edited interview: http://www.racialicious.com/2009/07/10/interview-with-the-perverted-negress/ and below are links to the unexpurgated interview I did with the wonderful Andrea Plaid from Racialicious. This is a sister who was, to be honest, very very skeptical about the whole damned topic. However she had the respect to treat me with dignity and the discussion that ensued gets really real.

http://www.mollena.com/2009/04/race-play-interview Part One
http://www.mollena.com/2009/04/race-play-interview Part Two
http://www.mollena.com/2009/04/race-play-interview Part Three
http://www.mollena.com/2009/04/race-play-interview Part Four

http://www.mollena.com/2009/11/the-negress-natters …on BDSM & Race Play ← audio link to me talking about race play.

http://bitchmagazine.org/post/thinking-kink-the-right-to-play-with-race-feminist-magazine-bdsm-sex Bitch Blog article.

http://jezebel.com/5868600/when-prejudice-is-sexy-inside-the-kinky-world-of-race+play Jezebel Magazine interview.

http://equalwrites.org/2012/03/11/kink-race-and-college-a-discussion-with-mollena-williams/ interview for a site run by Princeton students.

Writings on various incidents and discussions are here:

http://www.mollena.com/2009/05/the-good-the-bad-and the ugly

And from way back, one of the first non-kink media interviews I did:From “Colorlines” Magazine

An  interview in “The Griot”  which is a pretty great objective look.

And a video my “Fantasy” performance from International Ms Leather 2010 (I performed it as well for the 2009 Ms. SF Leather contest.)

That pretty much sums up my position and opinion about embracing the evils of slavery and reclaiming pain and suffering.

And because he’s cool like that, Graydancer rose to the challenge and wrote an essay from the oppressor’s POV on doing race-based play. Thanks for stepping into the breach, my friend.


  1. […] out more of Mollena’s writings on race play here. Like this:LikeBe the first to like this […]

  2. […] of the documentary The Artist and the Pervert.) For years, she has been writing and speaking about her own experiences with race play, and I thought that her perspective as a Black woman who has been submissive in race-play dynamics […]