
Press and Praise for "Playing Well With Others!"

Podcasts, Reviews, and More!

Butchtastic reviews our book.

Ms. Behaved Q&A with Mollena and Lee

Good Vibrations reviews our book.

A flier of our classes ended up on NBC and talking about kink clubs in Ivy League colleges.

We made it to's Top 10 sex books for Christmas.

We got mentioned by Violet Blue on Kink Your Kindle.

Enjoy our video interview with Leland over at Leatherati.

We did a delightful 2-hour live interview with The Rev. Mel Show.

Peruse the wonderful coverage in the Bay Area Reporter!

We are mentioned in the Miami New Times, July 16, 2012. is lusting over our book!

1,2,3 Kinky is a fun article about our project here at the SF Bay Guardian.