About Mollena
This “Delicate, Trembling Flower of Submission ©" is a NYC born and raised writer, actress, BDSM Educator, Storyteller, sobriety fiend since March 14th 2007, and an Award-Winning Executive Pervert. Owned and collared by renowned contemporary composer Georg Friedrich Haas since December 2013 and his wife since September 2015, she serves as his beloved slave, submissive, wife, servant and Muse. February 2016 saw a groundbreaking piece about their relationship featured in the New York Times.
Her opinion and viewpoints on issues of kink, Leather and BDSM are frequently sought after by news and information sources such as The New York Times, The Huffington Post, Newsweek, Essence,and Ebony, among other publications. She is a frequent guest expert on Dan Savage's "Savage Lovecast," has scored a triple header as the only threepeat featured on Tristan Taormino's "Sex Out Loud" radio show, and has been featured on Margaret Cho's "Monsters of Talk" podcast.

Exploring kink since 1993, active in BDSM and the Leather Community since 1996, and presenting classes since 1998, she speaks at Leather, BDSM and Kink events across the US, Europe and Canada on many Leather and BDSM focused topics.
Mollena also brings the knowledge on Kink, BDSM and Leather to such august institutions of higher learning as SF State and Cal State, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stamford, University of Chicago, and Brown for IvyQ 2012. She has been invited to present at MIT, was a featured presenter at Yale for IvyQ 2013, and has been a guest speaker for at Smith College, Sarah Lawrence College, and Brown.
In addition to being a featured lecturer at many kink and Leather events, she presented a well-received SRO plenary session for the American Association of Sexuality Educators Counselors & Therapists (AASECT) in June 2013. A calendar of her upcoming events is here at Mo's Travel Plans!
Mollena is extremely proud to have served as International Ms Leather 2010 and Ms. San Francisco Leather 2009. Her short film, IMPACT, won the Best Experimental Film Award at the 10th Anniversary of CineKink. "IMPACT" made its debut at Madison Young's groundbreaking exhibit on women and alternative sexuality as told though the medium of film as part of the ASKEW! Film festival, and since then has been screened in Vancouver, was screened at STIFF (Seattle True Independent Film Festival) and the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival in 2013.
Mollena is deeply honored and profoundly humbled to have been selected to receive the 2012 Jack McGeorge Award for Excellence in Education by Black Rose, and is thrilled to have won the the National Leather Association's 2012 Cynthia Slater Non-Fiction Article Award. She was a finalist for the 21st Annual Pantheon of Leather's Woman of the Year & Northern California Regional Awards. You can watch her being interviewed for the Women's Leather History Project, as curated by the Leather Archives and Museum. Furthering her explorations in Alternative Sexuality, Mollena is also a graduate of Barbara Carellas' Urban Tantra® Training Program.

Mollena is the author of the "Toybag Guide: Taboo Play." Mollena co-created, with Lee Harrington, "Playing Well With Others: Your Guide to Discovering, Exploring and Navigating the Kink, Leather and BDSM Communities" which is fast becoming the "go-to guide" for those curious about Alternative Lifestyles. Their book won the National Leather Association's 2013 Geoff Mains Non-Fiction Book Award.
Three of Mollena's essays were finalists for the NLA's 2013 Cynthia Slater Non-Fiction Article award: "Stop, Drop and Role! Erotic Role Playing" and "Digging in the Dirt – The Lure of Taboo Role Play" appeared in The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role-Play & The Erotic Edge edited by Tristan Taormino. Her essay "On Collars And Closure and Owning Myself" is the 2012 winner, and it originally appeared on her blog, The Perverted Negress. This makes her the winner of that award for two years in a row, as her essay "Tables Briefly Turned" won the NLA-I's 2011 Cynthia Slater Award.
Mollena's essays appear in 3 anthologies curated by Rachel Kramer Bussel: "BDSM and Race Play" appears in "Best Sex Writing 2010," "Kiss my Boots" is featured in "The Lust Chronicles" and "Breath" is in the latest, in "Serving Him: Sexy Stories of Submission." Her challenging essay on "race play" is featured in "Spirit of Desire: Personal Journeys in Sacred Kink" edited by Lee Harrington.
Not one but two essays commissioned by Tristan Taormino appear in the groundbreaking anthology "The Ultimate Guide to Kinky Sex." She also has a sly and sinister retelling of a beloved Uncle Remus folktale in "Leather Ever After: An Anthology of Kink Fairy Tales" edited by Sassafras Lowrey. Mollena is pleased and delighted to be a featured educator with The Kink Academy, where you can see clips of her speaking on various and sundry topics! She was also a featured columnist for SexIs Magazine, where she lets loose on just about anything.
Mollena's been sober since 3-14-2007 and in December that same year, she founded "Safeword," a 12-step based recovery group in San Francisco, welcoming all kinksters seeking recovery from addiction.

Mollena's background includes a lifetime of training and involvement in the performing arts, which include spoken word, classical theater, dance, performance art, and all manner of stagecraft. professionally since the age of 5, her credits include singing on the soundtrack for the movie The Wiz and co-starring with Danny Bonaduce in the underground cult-classic America's Deadliest Home Video. Her first solo show, 69Stories: One Pervert's Tale was a hit in Vancouver in November 2010 and Madison Wisconsin, July 2012. You can see an excerpt from it here "Kiss My Boots" part One, and Part Two as performed at Rachel Kramer Bussel's In the Flesh storytelling series. She is a favorite at Dixie De La Tour's Bawdy Storytelling, has performed for many storytelling venues including Bare! Stories, Tiny, Dangerous Fun Audacia Ray's Red Umbrella Diaries, Carol Queen's Perverts Put Out, and has been a guest on Kevin Allison's Risk! Podcast. She has also thrown down onstage for Porchlight Storytelling, and was invited back to be featured on their 10th Anniversary show! Mollena wove a tale of wild animals and wild alcoholism for NPR's Snap Judgement and was invited back again to share a most unusual story from her childhood, "Project Boat." Check out that media page for more tell-tale tidbits!
As a model, Mollena has been featured on the Folsom Street Fair 2010 Poster, as well as modeling for Stormy Leather. She has worked with many well-known and renowned kink, Leather and fetish photographers, including Stacie Joy, Laren Leland, Aeric Meredith-Goujon, Melvin Moten, Don Sir and Michele Serchuk: who's photograph of Mollena posing with fellow educator Graydancer was featured in the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival 2010.
Mollena has been interviewed for the Leather Archives & Museum's Women's Leather History Project, Newsweek, Jezebel, SexisIs Magazine and on Princeton University's Equal Writes website. She was photographed for a story on BDSM appearing in The New York Times. Mollena was featured in a groundbreaking interview at TheGrio.com on BDSM and race, and also interviewed by Sharon Glassman for the Huffington Post and featured on Sex Out Loud Radio with Tristan Taormino.

Mollena's work has also been published by the Society Of Janus Newsletter, The Eulenspiegel Society's magazine, Prometheus, as well as the online magazines at ALT.COM and Bondage.com. She has been interviewed for The Bottoming Book, ColorLines Magazine, Bitch Magazine, Abiola Abrams: Love, Sex & Dasting, The Playboy Advisor, Sexploration with Monika and The Reverend Mel Show, SexIs Magazine, Jezebel and Racialicious to name a few! She is featured in the award winning documentary "Vice & Consent". You can also see her all tied up in the instructional video, "Jay Wiseman Teaches Rope Bondage"
International Ms Leather 2010 was truly an international title year with visits to the Pride Festival in Stockholm, Sweden, where she made history as the first Leatherwoman ever invited to march with the venerable Scandinavian Leathermen's Association! She's also done her thing in Dublin, Ireland, Berlin, Germany, the UK: toured Amsterdam, Netherlands for Leather Pride, as well as teaching and performing in Vancouver, Canada. A roll-up of her epic IMsL 2010 title year can be found here!
A founding member of Crowded Fire Theater Company, and former co-host of San Francisco's Queer Open Mic, Mo blogs on mollena.com. Her blog, The Perverted Negress, has been a featured blog on Fleshbot (not Once but TWICE!) as well as the pick of the week for The Sugasm. And boy howdy, the venerated Jane's Guide thinks The Perverted Negress' Blog is pretty rad!
Mollena is also a member of Mama's Leather Family (#1231) , formally dubbed "Mama's Perverted Negress" and pinned in at the SF Eagle by Mama Sandy Reinhardt herself. She Twitters incessantly over on @mollena, so follow her there!