Perving in Boston, December 16th!
I will be up in Massachusetts, y’all! on Sunday, December 16th, I’ll be doing not one but TWO classes in Boston! Well, technically Brookline and Somerville but whatever. I still can’t get the hang of the geography there, and the *&^%$ lack of communicative street signs doesn’t help…
…but I digress ;-D
 Mob Business Meeting & Mollena presenting Role-Playing
Mob is a group for all women, including transsexual/transgender/intersex women who live their daily lives as women, and all female-born transgender/genderqueer persons age 21 and over who have an interest in BDSM.
(As long as you fit Mob’s membership eligibility, you are very welcome to attend our upcoming meetings and demos. You do not have to be a member to attend Mob orientations, meetings, or demos, but you do need to be Mob-eligible. A suggested donation fee of $5 (cash-only) will be collected from non-members, including pending members, at the start of each Mob demo. Mob Membership Eligibility Statement: Mob is a group for all women, including transsexual/tra
You MUST BE MOB ELIGIBLE to attend this class!!
The NELA Welcome Wagon presents: Power Exchange 101 with Mollena Williams
When: Sun, December 16, 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Where: Unity Somerville, 6 William St. (edging College Ave.), Davis Square, Somerville, MA (map)
Description: Are you kinky enough? Is your kink “real”? What if you “only stay just this amount of kinky”? Is kink linear? How do you even begin? What is a good starting toy? Scene? Event? How do you get invited to things? Most importantly*, what do you wear???
*Kidding. Mostly.
 Newcomers & Seasoned Kinksters: $10 pre-paid (online tickets will go on sale soon at
$15 cash/check at the door/discounts for NELA associates and affiliated groups (please bring your up-to-date group card)
6:30pm: Mix & Mingle: Part icebreaker, part low-pressure social time, take this opportunity to connect with other new folks and talk with established community folks who’ll do their best to answer your questions. Ooh, and there’ll be snacks!
7:00pm: Community Overview: Find out about local groups and upcoming classes and events. By attending, you’ll be eligible for a drawing for a fun prize, too!
7:30pm: Mollena Williams presents Power Exchange 101: Seasoned kinksters and newcomers alike are welcome to attend this class. Full class description below! (We are asking that folks who have been in the kink world for a while respect the newcomers’ space from 7:00pm-8:00pm, but please do join us for the class at 8:00pm! And we’ll save some snacks for you, too!)
Power Exchange 101
Many of us have hot fantasies of giving over control or taking charge in the bedroom. But how do you go from an egalitarian relationship to one where someone calls the shots? How do you manage to be dominant without being domineering? Is it possible to be submissive without being spineless? How do you negotiate this delicate dance of power without pissing everyone off? If you’re curious about dominance and submission, or have been exploring power exchange and are looking for new insights into your play, welcome! In this class, we will explore different types of PE (Power Exchange) relationships, from top and bottom to dominant and submissive to master and slave in all of the wonderful variations! We will be covering many of the intricacies of managing these dynamics such as:
- Self-exploration
- Negotiating with yourself, and with your partner
- Assessing Needs, Wants and Desires
- Physical, Mental and Emotional Safety
Whether you’re interested in the private intimacy of bedroom play or wish to delve into the broader kink community, you’ll have a safe space to ask your questions, discuss your desires, and kick around your kinks! Bring your questions, concerns, curiosities and an open mind!
(Please be 18+.)