Those who can’t score…
Nah, it isn’t all that :-)
I am apprehensive. I really like teaching. I get such overwhelming, (sometimes embarrassing) positive feedback, I shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
The Fringe class is one I have previously conducted, it is only an hour, and I sure as hell can relay at least 3 solid take-away points, be informative, lively, interactive and fucking entertaining for an hour.
But then I see that the classes for which the perverati clamour for are the ones with big fireworks, lots of stuff happening, etc etc. I feel inadequate because I don’t have a demo, usually, and then I feel like people say “Well, we could listen to that girl talk for an hour or watch that other woman get fisted / whipped / strung-up-by-her-toes-and-pummeled-with-an-organic-cruelty-free-flogger / etc.”
And big events like these can be havoc on those of us who are free-agent chameleons.
This is one of those times that a Daddy & collar & leash would not be amiss.

Oh my God, the last time I went to a class hosted by a wonderfully gifted ebony BDSM Goddess, I fell in love. I hate that we don’t ave more ladies like you in the Midwest! ::::Sigh::::
Perhaps your local BDSM educational group would care to have another “wonderfully gifted ebony BDSM Goddess” visit and conduct some workshops…?
*batch eyelashes fetchingly*