SBF Seeks Hot, Sadistic DDS…

As I have said before and it bears repeating there is a statistically insignificant number of perverts who eroticise dental pain.  Aside from Bill Murrays’ character in Little Shop of Horrors, you just aren’t’ gonna find many people who dig on that shit! I’ve been going through a series of panicky moments due to an…

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Please don’t hurt the…masochist???

I value the relationships I have formed within the BDSM community. It is not only that we have the commonality of kink, it is that being a pervert means that you smite the artifice of sexual Gerrymandering. I am living a charmed life in some ways. My lifestyle as an “Out Kinky Pervert” actually was…

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DIY Masochism [Or: “Ow!! #@%$^!!!”]

The other day I was at my desk at work, grimacing over the hundreds upon hundreds of photographs of our member’s members when I decided I needed a fucking break. I stood up and was about to push my chair back when, by the Holy Sweet trompibulating trunk of my Dear Lord Ganesha I smacked the FUCK…

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“I am already tempted to safe-word…”

This is always my thought when I am not involved in a relationship. and time goes by, and I have a play-date. Which I have tonight. The vagaries of physical tolerances comes to the fore and I wonder if, perhaps, the years of regular, hard play were an illusion. Perhaps I was fooling myself into…

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