“The Wiz” and me.

A little off topic but I was curled up while petsetting today and caught part of “The Wiz” as it was being shown on some cable station or other.  I smiled, because I have rather particular memories around the movie…and I was wistful for a moment, because most of the stars of that movie are no longer among the living.


“The Wiz” and me. (mp3)


And if ya don’t believe me, you can at least verify there is some veracity in my claim because the IMdB sez so. Hey if it in teh intertubez, it must be true, dammit.


You can hear the first song on which I sang here


Watch Thelma Carpenter – He’s The Wizard in Music  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com


And if you go to Amazon.com, you can hear the “Snow Babies” sequence (it is track number 5) ….that’s me singing, too. That one was tough because, though it is short, it is in a minor and weird key and has an odd rhythm.


There you have it! Yet another interesting chapter from my not uninteresting life.


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  1. WinsomeGypsy on December 25, 2011 at 11:01 PM

    Very not uninteresting, indeed! The Wiz always terrified me (it’s scary!); but, the cast was brilliant and the songs magnificent. Very cool that you were a part of it!

    • Mollena Williams on December 28, 2011 at 11:43 PM

      It is pretty damned cool, yo! :-D

  2. knottyscout on December 27, 2011 at 7:03 AM

    this is so funny because I woke up with the soundtrack in my head for some reason this morning. ( Slide some oil, if you are wondering )

    • Mollena Williams on December 28, 2011 at 11:45 PM

      I always wondered how they got away with the lyrics to that song…

      Slide some oil to me
      let it slip down my spine
      If you don’t have STP
      Crisco will be just fine…

      Oy! :-P