e[Lust] #39 … (Yay! I’m in the top three!)
Welcome to e[lust] – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #40? Start with the newly updated rules, come back September…
Read MoreA “Right” to public sex?
I love the Folsom Street Fair. I love that there is a day in the year that hundreds of thousands of freaks and gawkers run around being freaky. I love that we are given this leeway, and I love that our local government supports the Leather Community the way that it does. I am not…
Read MoreOh yeah. Jersey!
I was moping a bit because I didn’t have a date or nuttin. for the New Year thing. But now I do. I few hundred dates, I guess. Will you be one of them? Shout out if you’re going! Click the banner to register if you wanna be!
Read MoreAre You Ready to Bid??
Thanks to my AMAZING friends, I have a FANTASTIC array of goods, services and delights for the lucky winner(s) of the basket I am offering in my run for Ms. SF Leather 2009! Seriously, this is a tribute to the Leather Community and how people will pull together for a common cause. Further, it is…
Read MoreI’m a Bee!
Busy and bumbling, that is:-) I am getting swamped by rehearsals for an amazing show I’m in, and you should come see it. Hell, I got peeps coming from bloody Wisconsin and Florida to see it! “Drip” is gonna be OUTSTANDING. I am in the home stretch for the Ms. SF Leather Contest!
Read MoreStart Spreadin’ the News…
Got some gigs booked for NYC, people! I am deeply delighted honored and straight up wiggly at the prospect of going Home and being able to perv out with new and old friends. Here is the line-up so far…and if you know of a venue or organization whom I ought to contact and squeeze in…
Read MoreThrowing my corset into the ring!
The stars aligned, the event for which I was supposed to travel to Denver was canceled, I do not have rehearsal for “Drip” that evening, and miraculously I’m insane enough to do it. *deep Breath* I am in the running for Ms. SF Leather 2009!
Read More“Best Sex Writing 2010!”
I got word from the Mighty Mighty Bussel…Rachel Kramer Bussel, that is, that I am one step closer to World Domination and my goal of becoming the Oprah Winfrey of BDSM & Kink. I am going to be a part of the “Best Sex Writing 2010” anthology! I was nudged by Rachel a few months…
Read MoreAdult Baby Fetish: UR doin’ it…wrong?
There are plenty of fetishes that evince puzzled looks or giggles from people, and I know that some of mine fall into that category. While the average person can grasp the general concept of “Power Exchange” a more finely-tuned fetish such as racially-motivated play or reverse-anthropomorphic play can be more difficult for folks to grasp.…
Read MoreOMG How Lucky is Graydancer?!?!
I like talking. I do it quite a bit. I even do it virtually. A lot. Because I enjoy it. I started talking when I was only a few months old, according to my Mom. I’m sure it was kind of cool until she realized I. Would. Not. Stop. But I’ve managed to do pretty…
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