Conversations with The Perverted Negress: Episode 9E!

“Yo, Inego, let’s conversate!”
And here it is! Segment six of the EPIC series on transparency! You probably wanna roll back to Episode 9, and then listen to 9A, 9B, 9C and 9D. Or just go back and listen to ’em all. You can still be a way cool early adopter, yo!
Transparency! Yeah, sometimes, you are transparent where you absolutely are being honest and sincere and…it just wasn’t the right damn thing to say, yo. We conversate talk about how transparency can indeed leave you vulnerable but how wonderful it is when having that shared recognition of vulnerability can compel us to even deeper trusting and forge amazing bonds.
And of course, the lexicographical trainwreck continues! No, iconify isn’t the word you were looking for either, J.P. unless you meant making someone into a little symbol for the interwebs.
Also not a word? Latitudinism.
And though it took two instalments,he finally realized idealization of a partner was the thing we are talking about. And yeah, the word I was struggling to come up with is archetype. Derp!
America’s Next Top Fetish? Gaffers: the Next Big Thing in the dungeons of ‘merica, yo.
I talk about why your resume might be an excellent tool in your power-exchange relationships. J.P. suggests that power exchange dynamics might be uniquely suited to turn the dominant paradigm on its head by actually using power for good. WHUT WHUT!! For real, yo. What if  we explore PE as a way to intrinsically improve / uplift our partners? How badass is it when these relationships are exclusively geared toward betterment?
I’ll tell you what happens. Daft Punk gets stuck in my head.
And now, Daft Punk as done by someone far cleverer than I.

great song …interesting take on it video wise :)
Ain’t it just? When I first saw the video and I grokked what they were doing, I thought “How the hell are they gonna do the fast part?!?” and then giggled like a kid for the entire thing :-D