Catch me at Floating World!
I’m off late-night tonight on the red-eye to New Jersey.
Gods help me…it pains my Harlem slash Upper East Side NY grrl heart to even type that…
But it is for a good cause, since it’s gonna be just me and 1,199 other perverts for a weekend of depravity.
If you’re going to be there, you should check out my classes!
Friday 7:00pm — RACE: The Final Frontier
Even the most hardcore Pervert will back away from the topic of Race Play. The idea of playing into stereotypes, slurs, scenes that recall grotesque horrors from some of the darkest moments of human history is, in many folk’s opinions, best left buried un-addressed. But…
For those who are drawn to explore deeper and deeper crevasses of our psyche, the desire to explore even that taboo a play style can be compelling. From the man of Jewish decent who wishes to experience domination at the hands of a partner in SS Regalia, to the African American woman who secretly harbors a fantasy of being forced to submit to “the white man†to a Japanese-American who ponders a recreation scene of an WWII internment camp, these desires are not to be closeted in shame, but explored and discussed. Even if you are not desirous of acting, real time, on these fantasies, taking charge of them and letting go of the guilt can be n amazing release. And, if you DO decide to act on these fantasies, you’ll get some tips on how to approach this very edgy play, what to do if things do not fall out as planned, and the pros and cons of doing these scenes in public venues. Expect the unexpected, and prepare to surprise yourself.
Saturday 9:00pm — Taboo Play & Working Through Extremes
If you have ever had a scene that lured you with the promise of edgy intensity, but wondered if you could handle the situation before, during or afterward, this discussion is for you! We will explore the reasons some people enjoy play that is VERY edgy psychologically, emotionally and physically, and how you can go about making that fantasy a reality. Inherent in this discussion is the level of responsibility of both / all partners, how to manage risk, and how you can support your partner in the aftermath. Edgy play can be hot, and we will look at ways to avoid some common pitfalls, as well as how to recover with grace and honor when things go off of the planned path.
*Please be advised: Some highly controversial scenes (i.e. racial or incest play, weaponry, etc.) will be discussed. Please do not attend if these are outside of your comfort zone. Thank you.
Sunday 3:00pm — Role-Playing: Using your Head to Get Out of Your Body
Although every child is an expert, as adults we frequently forget how to pretend, play†make-believe “and lose yourself in a story. Sure, you might have the hot fantasy of being an abducted princess or a captured spy, but how do you get past your day-to-day thought process and into to the spirit of this, one of the purest forms of play? How can you dissolve your ego into another character, and what do you do if you just wind up feeling pretty silly? In this class, we will discuss techniques for planning, negotiating and executing role-playing scenes, and how to boost your “other†energy. You’ll have a chance to play some games, to watch some play, and to let yourself go!
See you there!

never let them see you sweat…..
lamesabassman…… and take no prisoners….