Make me want it.

“I am never impressed by sheer brutality in BDSM. I AM impressed when someone can evoke a DESIRE for sheer brutality in BDSM.” ~Mollena This occurred to me as I was reading page upon page of profiles on a couple of kink oriented sites where dominants were talking about how hardcore they were. Strict dominant…

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Floating World, Flukey Weather.

On the way to Floating World I ran into a couple of moments of Zen. The first was cool: I ran into the charming and dope ass Q in the terminal. Q was on the way to the Butch Voices Conference, even as I was headed back east for Floating World. We chatted a bit in the…

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“Bawdy?” Check. “Storytelling?” Ditto.

The pretty-dang-awesome Dixie DeLaTour nudged me on Twitter today to see if I might be able to talk to some people about sex tomorrow night. And hey, it turns out I’m free :-) I’ll be talking about one of my long-time fantasies brought to real-time…kind of, at least! I talked a bit about it in…

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SBF Seeks Hot, Sadistic DDS…

As I have said before and it bears repeating there is a statistically insignificant number of perverts who eroticise dental pain.  Aside from Bill Murrays’ character in Little Shop of Horrors, you just aren’t’ gonna find many people who dig on that shit! I’ve been going through a series of panicky moments due to an…

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SF’s “IRON DOM” contest is tomorrow!

The “Iron Dom” contest has been going on for a while now, and I’ve participated in it, as either a willing “victim” or a Judge. This time I’ll be the MC…whatever the fuck that means. I assume it means I get to talk trash, and for this I am always prepared to step up to…

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Running away to home.

Dark moods are not unknown to me. Though I have many fewer now than I did even a year ago, and by orders of magnitude fewer today than I did when I a still actively drinking myself to death. the (up?down?)side to this is that today, I am committed to turning my heart to face these moods…

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The wildness.

I got The Wildness yesterday. Voice in the head clear as day, no fucking fooling around, said to me what you need to do is get out of town for a few days. GO. Uh…kinda difficult with work with all of the writing, reading, reviewing and shit I have to do I can’t just run away from life it…

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Feeling wrong feels right.

A few years back, I saw an insanely rough sex moment in an adult flick. A man was hitting it doggie style, shagging the hell out of a woman while pulling her arms into a painful stretch behind her. He then abruptly folded her arms together on the small of her back, swung his leg up…

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The fundamental things apply…

I had Someone Who Has Been Flirting with me ask me today if I “…liked kissing.” Which is a pithier query than one might think. See, being uninitiated in the vagaries of my journey and experience within the BDSM community, he couldn’t have been aware of how charged a question this was for me.

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